Unbuilt Ideas, conceived by Rajesh Advani, Founding Editor at ArchitetcureLive!, is driven by a passion for exploring the untapped potential of design. We believe that every unbuilt concept holds within it the power to reshape our understanding of space, form, and function. Our mission is to create a meaningful discourse around these ideas, pushing the boundaries of conventional thinking and inspiring a new generation of architects and designers.

Unbuilt Ideas invites everyone to embark on a journey of ‘what ifs’. What if we reimagined urban landscapes? What if sustainability and aesthetics could seamlessly coexist? What if architecture could solve pressing global challenges? These questions form the foundation of our exploration, encouraging professionals and enthusiasts alike to think beyond the built environment and delve into the realm of infinite possibilities.

While Unbuilt Ideas initially focuses on architecture, our vision extends far beyond. In the near future, we plan to expand our platform to encompass other design fields, recognising the interconnectedness of various creative disciplines. This expansion will allow us to foster cross-pollination of ideas and inspire innovation across the entire spectrum of design.

Do not forget to visit our publications page, or contact us, in case you would like to collaborate, contribute ideas, or have suggestions to make this space better.


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