Existing conventional modes of transportation for people – rail, road, water, and air, tend to be slow for daily transport between Pune to Mumbai. Hyperloop is a new mode of transport that seeks to change this perspective by being fastest mode of transportation for people and goods. The project is intended to celebrate the new age of hyperloop transportation technology through architecture for the state approved Mumbai – Pune hyperloop in Maharashtra. The terminal acts as a transportation hub that connects other modes of transport in Mumbai to the hyperloop.
For this project, the route considered for hyperloop starts from Pune, to Bandra Kurla Complex via Navi Mumbai, India. The total trip time is reduced approximately to half an hour, with capsules departing with 28 – 30 people each. The first phase, starting in Pune, is to be a 11.8 km stretch for which the Maharashtra government will procure and provide the land.
Pods carrying passengers would travel through the tubes at speeds topping out over 700 mph. For propulsion, magnetic accelerators will be planted along the length of the tube, propelling the pods forward. The tubes would house a low pressure environment, surrounding the pod with a cushion of air that permits the pod to move safely at such high speeds.
The terminal’s main aim is to ease the flow of passengers and goods from one point to another and to reduce the overall carbon foot print of cities – Pune and Mumbai. This project deals with the design efficiency of hyperloop terminal for which, the factors considered are operational and environmental efficiency. The operational performance include service provided to the system’s user-passengers with attributes such as schedule delay, interchange time, traffic management facilities and equipment. The environmental performances include energy renewability.

Distance from proposed station
Pune – Mumbai = 117 – 120 Km
Shivaji Nagar – Wakad = 14 – 16 Km ,
Wakad – Navi Mumbai airport = 110 Km ,
Navi Mumbai airport – B.K.C = 30-32 Km
Project is in 2 phases -:
Phase 1 – 11.8 Km Demonstration track from Gahunje to Urse
Phase 2 – Rest of the stretch being built with the track – HEADING TO BKC, via Navi Mumbai airport station along the Mumbai – Pune highway.

- Wakad to Navi Mumbai – P , C
- Wakad to Bandra – P , C
- Navi Mumbai to Bandra – P , C
- Bandra to Wakad – P , C
- Bandra to Navi Mumbai – P , C
- Navi Mumbai to Wakad – P , C
P – Passenger C – Cargo
A person arriving from Navi Mumbai in private vehicles (Pay and park)
A person dropping a relative/friend and going back in the basement
A person whose sense of direction is off and has to go to arrival instead of departure and vice versa
A driver dropping a person to the departure and leaving
A person arriving in public vehicle
Service entry for heavy vehicles/cargo
Staff entries
People coming from the airport to the station via monorail
Person coming from the podium after parking

A person departing from the station and is expecting someone to pick him/her up
A person who has to drive his/her own car from the podiums.
A person whose sense of direction is off and to exit the site but instead misses the route
A person who has to take public vehicle
Service exit for heavy vehicle /cargo
Staff exits
People exiting to the airport via monorail

The structure takes a parametric form to illustrate the concept of infinity through different elements. The shape of the structure is determined by the infiniti loop consisiting of inner glass tube supported by outer golden wrought iron framework surrounding the entire structure. This loop also acts as a connecting ramp from ground floor to the departure level, and then further continues to be an elevation feature. The exterior lobby of the the departure (1st floor level) is suspended from the tube using anchors.
The top blue solar panelling of building facade automatically responds to the sun path through sensors and an actuator. The geometry of a single unit panel is basically a rectangle, cut along its diagonals. The four corners of the unit are fixed in position and the centre part of each cut segment is movable, to facilitate the closing and opening of the square unit. Every unit of the top facade is
mechanically controlled by the actuator by sensing external and internal conditions like heat and light through the sensors. These panels block the harsh rays of the sun by closing the entire side of the panels which is facing it, while the side opposite to the sun’s position is opened up for indirect natural light, thus reducing the dependence on artificial lighting and in turn reduces energy consumption.
The centre part of the structure is dissected by introducing tinted P.T.F.E supported by exposed space frame thus giving a pattern of shadow in the departure lobby. The space frame is sandwiched between the outer panels (white GFRC panels at sides and blue solar panels at top areas of the structure) and partial inner panels to enhance the interiors.
The entire structures interior is contoured with 2.5m dia white roofing elements which includes lights fixtures. These roofing elements are crossed with 4 bands of dark roofing elements with warm lights running in the perpendicular direction. The entire structure is divided into 2 parts by the hyperloop tubes in the middle of the structure for better facilitation of movement of products and passenegers, and also consuming minimum amount of area for support system. These 2 divided parts of the structure is inter connected by a single bridge.
The services of the 1st floor run through a 5m floor, designed as beams itself, below which the emergency exit passeges run along.
The exterior landscape is blended according to the offsets of the overall structure profile in plan. This landscape is bent upward from the middle to house the taxi, bus and visitor’s car parking as well as the outdoor waiting area, while its both ends blend in the flat landscape. The landscape is then slit from between diverting into 2 separate parts tapering on the rear part of the site. Similar type of landscape has been designed for the truck parking on the rear part of the site.
Hyperloop as a medium for transportation can be a game changer, as it will reduce the carbon foot print of both the cities, as well as reduce the travelling time while being economical at the same time.
Name : Eeshan Fadnis
Contact no : +91 9619008821
College : Aayojan school of architecture, Pune, India
Softwares used : Rhino, grasshopper, Vray for rhino, Autocad, Photoshop